Just Blog!

Branching Out

As most of my readers know, I have been doing a little in the modeling scene.  I have been working with one photographer for this until recently.  I am actually really glad I did some more work with another person and I feel like it was a great experience. 

I actually love being photographed and love what the end results look like.  I love being outdoors or in a studio, for that matter, and getting to put make-up on, and heels, and wearing what I like to wear.  I work in a factory you see, and I find it hard to dress up on a normal basis.

I have never been the “girly girl” but here lately, I believe I am coming to know that side of me.  Mike and I went out to eat at Ryan’s last night, and it took me nearly 45 minutes to get ready.  Before I would have thrown on a T-shirt and some jeans and just gone.  Here lately I make sure I look really nice before we go out.  Even if it is just to eat.  My nails have been painted and I wear make-up more often than not now.  I even painted my toe nails and those are barely existent. 

I guess you could say, I’m getting into all of this because I am hoping my modeling takes me to bigger and better places and I can succeed at something I love doing.  There are days I don’t want to shoot, but I get up get ready and by the time I get to my location I am excited and ready.  I get so excited to see how awesome the shots look, how the edits look, and how well I kept up my end of the bargain. 

Like I said I was working with a new guy this weekend and I am not disappointed in any of the shots I got out of it and believe I will be working with him again in the future to see what all I get then.  Here is some of his work and I hope you enjoy it as much as you have my past few with John.  I guess I could tell you his name so if you are interested you can maybe find him huh?  David Horton is my new photographer and his work is amazing.  Yes, I will still be working with John as well and may even work with a few others when I find the time.  Until then, I’ll keep getting in touch with the “girly girl” I feel I am becoming.

Comments on: "Branching Out" (2)

  1. I really liked this shoot. I like the variety of angles and poses compared to the other. Plus, the editing is done nicely, it seems.

  2. thanks.very good blog and very good share.

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